If You Cannot Afford to Pay
If you cannot afford to pay the required fines and fees in full, you may access the online system at mycitations.courts.ca.gov to:
- Request a reduction to your ticket
- Request a payment plan
- Request Community Service
- Request more time to pay your ticket
You must contact the Court directly at 707-299-1160:
- If you wish to contest the citation
- You wish to attend traffic school
- If you have proof of correction and would like a dismissal or reduction of the charges
- If your offense is a misdemeanor violation
(a) Pursuant to Government Code section 68645.3(e), the Court delegates to the Clerk of the Court the authority to consider and grant requests for an Ability-to-Pay Determination if the defendant has not filed and been granted any form of relief under a previous Ability-to-Pay Determination on the citation and meets either of the following conditions:
- Is receiving public assistance as listed in Government Code section 68632(a) [Gov. Code, § 68645.2(a)(1)(A)]; or
- Has a monthly income of 250% or less of the current poverty guidelines, as determined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services pursuant 42 U.S.C. § 9902 [Gov. Code, § 68645.2(a)(1)(B)].
(b) The Clerk of the Court shall take any of the following actions, if the defendant requests:
- Reduce the total amount due, which is the sum of the base fine, penalty assessments, civil assessments, and fees, including mandatory fees, owed and unpaid by the defendant, by the amount the online tool recommends [Gov. Code, § 68645.2(a)(3)(A), (a)(6)];
- Enter the defendant into a payment plan that requires an installment payment of an amount the online tool recommends [Gov. Code., § 68645.2(a)(3)(B), (a)(5)]; and
- Allow the defendant to complete community service, in the number of hours the online tool recommends, through a county‑approved service provider, in lieu of payment of the reduced amount due [Gov. Code, § 68645.2(a)(3)(C), Pen. Code, § 1209.5].
(c) The Clerk Cannot Deny an Application: If the Clerk of the Court is unable to grant a request for an ability-to-pay determination because the information the defendant provided cannot be verified or is unclear, or because the defendant has previously filed and been granted any form of relief under a previous request for an Ability-to-Pay Determination, the Clerk of the Court shall forward the request to a judicial officer for review.