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Please Note - Court Systems Maintenance Outage:

On March 18, from 6-10pm, Juror Verification via phone and website as well as Portal (Case Information Access) will not be available. We apologize for the inconvenience . 

Scam Alerts:

Please be aware of following two Scam Campaigns:

Text Scam campaign, please click HERE for more details, and Jury Service Scam, please click HERE for more details.

For the California Courts’ Strategic Goals,

 click HERE

Jury Scam Alert: Beware of calls from someone claiming to be an officer of the court or law enforcement.

Click here for more information.

Bienvenido a la Corte Superior de Napa:

Guide & File

Guide & File Information

Follow step-by-step “do-it-yourself” interviews to complete selected legal forms and file electronically, print and file by mail, or file in person at the court. It is the sole responsibility of the filer to ensure that all documents containing social security numbers, driver's license numbers, and other sensitive information, are properly redacted prior to electronically filing to the court. The Court cannot redact documents that are electronically filed. Please select from the Guide and File topics below to begin the interview process.