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Please Note - Court Systems Maintenance Outage:

On March 18, from 6-10pm, Juror Verification via phone and website as well as Portal (Case Information Access) will not be available. We apologize for the inconvenience . 

Scam Alerts:

Please be aware of following two Scam Campaigns:

Text Scam campaign, please click HERE for more details, and Jury Service Scam, please click HERE for more details.

For the California Courts’ Strategic Goals,

 click HERE

Bienvenido a la Corte Superior de Napa:

Temporary Judge Program

Through the Temporary Judge Program, the Court maintains a panel of trained, qualified, and experienced attorneys who may serve as temporary judges in the area of Small Claims and Traffic.

Small Claims:  Approximately 400 new small claims cases are filed with the Napa court each year. Temporary judges serving in the Small Claims division preside over trials, hearing only such law and motion matters as may pertain to the trial before them. This was developed in collaboration with the local bar to expedite cases in a timely manner.

Traffic:  Temporary judges serving in the Traffic division preside over trials, hearing only such law and motion matters as may pertain to the trial before them.  The volume of traffic cases is dictated by citation filings.


The Court is proud to announce the opening of the recruitment and application process for temporary judges. If you are interested in becoming a temporary judge, please carefully review the program details and complete the application process. Send the completed application to

Download the Application Here


Experience Required for Appointment and Service

An attorney that has been admitted to practice as a member of the State Bar of California for 10 years may be appointed to serve as a temporary judge (however, for good cause, the presiding judge may permit an attorney who has been admitted to practice for at least 5 years to serve as a temporary judge).

Minimum Qualifications

The Presiding Judge may appoint an attorney to serve as a temporary judge only if the following minimum qualifications are satisfied. The attorney:

  • must be a member in good standing of the State Bar and has no disciplinary action pending;
  • has not pled guilty or no contest to a felony, or has not been convicted of a felony that has not been reversed;
  • has satisfied the education and training requirements;
  • has satisfied all other general conditions that the Court may establish for appointment of an attorney as a temporary judge in that court; and has satisfied any additional conditions that the Court may require for an attorney to be appointed as a temporary judge for a particular assignment or type of case in that court

Mandatory Training Requirements

The Presiding Judge may appoint an attorney to serve as a temporary judge only if the following minimum training requirements are satisfied before appointment:

  1. Training on Bench Conduct and Demeanor:  Attended and successfully completed, within the previous 3 years, a course of at least 3 hours duration on the subjects identified in rule. 2.813(a) approved by the Court in which the attorney will serve.
  2. Training in Ethics: Attended and successfully completed, within the previous 3 years, a course of at least 3 hours duration on the subjects identified in rule 2.813(b) approved by the Court in which the attorney will serve. This course may be taken by any means approved by the Court, including in-person, by broadcast with participation, or online.
  3. Substantive Training (Small Claims and/or Traffic): Attended and successfully completed, within the previous 3 years, a course on the substantive law in Small Claims (rule 2.813(c)) and/or in Traffic (rule 2.813(d)), as applicable to the assigned calendar. This course may be taken by any means approved by the Court, including in person, by broadcast with participation, or online.

For listing and scheduling of classes, please click on the Online Course Schedule link under Resources