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Please Note - Systems maintenance on the following days:

4/1, 4/3. Please be advised that the Court will be doing system maintenance from 6PM - 10PM. Juror Verification via phone and website as well as Portal (Case Information Access) will not be available. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Scam Alerts:

Please be aware of following two Scam Campaigns:

Text Scam campaign, please click HERE for more details, and Jury Service Scam, please click HERE for more details.

For the California Courts’ Strategic Goals,

 click HERE

Bienvenido a la Corte Superior de Napa:


Text Scam Alert

Napa Superior Court has been notified of an active Smishing campaign across the state.

This type of cybercrime relies on impersonating Court staff and trusted Court Organizations to trick message recipients into disclosing sensitive information or install malicious software via links attached to the text messages received by the targeted individual.

Please be very mindful of these messages and scrutinize them carefully. 

As a precaution if you receive a smishing message:

- Do not click on any links or attachments in the phone message. 

- Do not reply to the sender. 

- Delete the message, report to junk/spam, or block the number from contacting you in the future.

Smishing Picture Example