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Please Note - Court Systems Maintenance Outage:

On March 18, from 6-10pm, Juror Verification via phone and website as well as Portal (Case Information Access) will not be available. We apologize for the inconvenience . 

Scam Alerts:

Please be aware of following two Scam Campaigns:

Text Scam campaign, please click HERE for more details, and Jury Service Scam, please click HERE for more details.

For the California Courts’ Strategic Goals,

 click HERE

Jury Scam Alert: Beware of calls from someone claiming to be an officer of the court or law enforcement.

Click here for more information.

Bienvenido a la Corte Superior de Napa:

Traffic Division

The Traffic Division is responsible for processing citations filed from various law enforcement agencies in Napa County. 


Criminal Courthouse

1111 Third Street, First Floor
Napa, CA 94559
Phone: (707) 299-1160

Office hours:
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

A drop box for same day filings and payments is available at court facilities daily until 5:00 p.m.

General Information

  • Traffic citations are filed with the court by local law enforcement agencies.

  • To allow for sufficient time for your citation to be filed with court, please wait at least 3 weeks (21 days) from the time you receive a ticket before contacting the court to make sure that your ticket is available in the court's system.

  • Once received at the court, the court will send a courtesy notice to the address listed on the citation to explain the options available for your specific citation. 

  • There will be a "Pay or Appear" date listed on your ticket, you must take action by this date. 

  • If you do not receive a notice from the court 1 week prior to the Pay or Appear date listed on your citation,  check the self-service traffic payment system or contact the court 707-299-1160 for the options available to resolve your citation.


Fines may be paid using any of the following methods:
  • On line using our self-service traffic payment system

  • By phone 707-299-1160

  • By mail to Napa Superior Court, Traffic Division, 1111 Third Street, Napa, CA 94559 [Visa and Mastercard Only - DO NOT SEND CASH]

  • In person at the Courthouse 1111 Third Street, Napa, CA 94559

Need Time to Pay?

If you need additional time to pay your ticket, payment plans are available through Linebarger, Attorneys at Law. Payment arrangements must be made prior to your due date to avoid further consequences. Come to the traffic front counter located at 1111 Third St. in Napa to request a referral to setup a payment plan through Linebarger, Attorneys at Law.

You may be eligible to attend traffic school depending on the violation(s) issued on your ticket and whether or not you have previously attended traffic school within the past 18 months (see additional guidelines below).

If you are eligible to attend traffic school,  the fines for your ticket and the traffic school fee must be paid up front. Upon payment, the Court will provide a date on which the traffic school completion is due. When you choose and enroll in a traffic school, there will also be a fee for the course. If you fail to attend the traffic school, or if you do not successfully complete the course, your fine and administrative fee will be forfeited and a conviction will be reported to the DMV.

You may attend traffic school if you meet the following guidelines:
  • You have not attended a traffic school in the last 18 months since the date of last violation

  • You have a valid California driver's license

  • Your speeding violation is not more than 25 mph over the speed limit

  • You were not driving a commercial vehicle when you received the citation. 

If you are eligible, and decide not to attend traffic school your automobile insurance may be adversely affected.

If one or more of the violations you received are for correctable offenses, your fine may be reduced if you choose to provide proof of correction. The Proof of Correction fee is $25.00 per correction.

Additional requirements if you choose to provide proof of correction:

  • DO NOT pay online, but rather contact the court.
  • You must submit proof of correction to the court along with the reduced fine/fee amount before your due date .
  • Proof of correction cannot be provided online or over the phone.

  • How to provide Proof of Correction for common violations:
    • Equipment violations can be obtained by having a law enforcement officer sign off your copy of the citation.

    • Proof of insurance, including changes of address,  must be presented to the Court and cannot be signed off by a law enforcement officer.

    • Driver’s license and registration violations, including change of address,  must be certified at an office of the Department of Motor Vehicles or the original documentation presented to the Court. These cannot be signed off by a law enforcement officer.

Should you choose NOT to provide proof you may pay the total fine due. 

If you would like to contest your traffic ticket, you can request a trial to do so.  You must ask for a trial before the due date on the notice you received from the court. There are two types of trials that may be available to you:

Trial by Written Declaration (Trial in Writing)

Refer to the back of the notice you received from the court, or contact  us by calling 707-299-1160 to determine if your citation is eligible to be contested in writing. Payment must be made at the time you request a Trial by Written Declaration. 

Click here to learn more about how Trial by Written Declarations work in general.

In-Person Court Trial 

Refer to the back of the notice you received from the court or contact us by calling 707-299-1160 for more information on the options below:

  • Option 1: Post the fine amount as bail and have an arraignment and Court Trial held on the same day.
  • Option 2: Schedule a court date for an Arraignment which will not require bail to be posted. When you attend the scheduled Arraignment, a future date for a Court Trial may be set.

Remote appearances are not allowed in a Court Trial.

Click here to learn more about how a Court Trial works in general. 

Pursuant to PC1214.1 a civil assessment of up to $100 may be imposed for failure to appear in court or failing to pay required fines. Contact the court at 707-299-1160 for more information on how to request a civil assessment be vacated or reduced.   


(a) Pursuant to Government Code section 68645.3(e), the Court delegates to the Clerk of the Court the authority to consider and grant requests for an Ability-to-Pay Determination if the defendant has not filed and been granted any form of relief under a previous Ability-to-Pay Determination on the citation and meets either of the following conditions:

  1.  Is receiving public assistance as listed in Government Code section 68632(a) [Gov. Code, § 68645.2(a)(1)(A)]; or
  2.  Has a monthly income of 250% or less of the current poverty guidelines, as determined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services pursuant 42 U.S.C. § 9902 [Gov. Code, § 68645.2(a)(1)(B)].

(b) The Clerk of the Court shall take any of the following actions, if the defendant requests:

  1.  Reduce the total amount due, which is the sum of the base fine, penalty assessments, civil assessments, and fees, including mandatory fees, owed and unpaid by the defendant, by the amount the online tool recommends [Gov. Code, § 68645.2(a)(3)(A), (a)(6)];
  2.  Enter the defendant into a payment plan that requires an installment payment of an amount the online tool recommends [Gov. Code., § 68645.2(a)(3)(B), (a)(5)]; and
  3.  Allow the defendant to complete community service, in the number of hours the online tool recommends, through a county‑approved service provider, in lieu of payment of the reduced amount due [Gov. Code, § 68645.2(a)(3)(C), Pen. Code, § 1209.5].

(c) The Clerk Cannot Deny an Application: If the Clerk of the Court is unable to grant a request for an ability-to-pay determination because the information the defendant provided cannot be verified or is unclear, or because the defendant has previously filed and been granted any form of relief under a previous request for an Ability-to-Pay Determination, the Clerk of the Court shall forward the request to a judicial officer for review.